
Global Partners Limited is incorporated under the laws of the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)  and is highly regulated by the Dubai Financial Authority Services (DFSA). Global Partners Limited (CEIC) is for professional clients only as defined by DFSA.

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Suitability and Appropriateness

Some or all alternative investments may not be suitable for certain investors. Investments in small and mid-cap corporations and foreign entities are speculative and involve a high degree of risk. An investor could lose all or a substantial amount of his or her investment. There is no secondary market nor is one expected to develop and there may be restrictions on transferring investments. Investments may be leveraged and performance may be volatile; may have high fees and expenses that reduce returns. Securities or financial instruments mentioned in the Website may not be suitable or appropriate for all investors or in all geographical areas. Your particular needs, investment objectives and financial situation were not taken into account in the preparation of this Website and the materials contained herein. You must make your own independent decisions and obtain own independent advice regarding any information, projects, securities or financial instruments mentioned herein. The fact that Global Partners has made available to you through the Website, investment opinions and other information constitutes neither a recommendation that you enter into a particular transaction nor a representation that any financial instrument is suitable or appropriate for you. You should consider whether an investment strategy or the purchase or sale of any product is appropriate for you in the light of your particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances.

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Thank you 

Last Update: January 2024